Witch Thoughts



Hey there! It's been about 2 weeks since I've started my new job. So far so good! I'm really getting the hang of things and I'm almost done with training!! I'm excited to get onto my regular schedule, the hours seem really nice!

Anyways, I've been slowly trying to get a handle on working again. My sleep schedule is a little better now that I have to get up for work, so I'm not sleeping until noon everyday! The shifts are great to where I get home and I don't feel exhausted too!Continue reading...

Hello again! Today was my first day at my new job! It went so well, I'm so happy that I got this job T.T I missed having work so badly, even though my feet are killing me after only being on them for 3 hours. Idk how I'll last on Friday when I have a 6 hour shift, plz pray for me.

I got register rlly easily, thankfully I've used that system and app from a boba job I used to work at so that was a relief! When we got on bar I was able to learn about callibrating the espresso shots Continue reading...

Hi there! Welcome to my first journal entry! I've been having a lot of fun building this website from the ground up! I haven't learned anything new in a really long time, so this has been super rewarding to do! I have a habit of jumping headfirst into things and I think it's been for the best since I get to figure out the hard stuff as I build this site. It's so barebones compared to other webistes that I love, but the fact that I made it is so amazing! I'm really proud of myself T.T Continue reading...