Hey there! It's been about 2 weeks since I've started my new job. So far so good! I'm really getting the hang of things and I'm almost done with training!! I'm excited to get onto my regular schedule, the hours seem really nice!
Anyways, I've been slowly trying to get a handle on working again. My sleep schedule is a little better now that I have to get up for work, so I'm not sleeping until noon everyday! The shifts are great to where I get home and I don't feel exhausted too! Although I've been running into the habit of getting home and just phone rotting until it's time to sleep again. I was so excited to work on this website, but sometimes I just want to not hop on my desktop and be in bed. I'm hoping once I can afford gas I can visit my parents and my dad can help me unlock my old college laptop because I forgot my password T.T Then I can work on this website from anywhere!
On the topic of my laptop, I'm also hoping I can get into djing again once I clear all the storage on it! I've been wanting to try my hand at djing since the summer, but barely started looking into it in january and it's too hard to deal with on my gaming pc. I don't want to bog it down with games and music, even though the music files aren't that big.
Another thing that I'm lowkey stressing about is I haven't worked out in a minute and I was being really good about it! I'm hoping I can start again towards the end of next week. I have a busy week with my partners birthday and then doing planning for coachella outfits, because that's coming up way too fast and I'm also stressing about that hahaha!
On another note, I've been watching a lot of sims content becuase of the new pack coming out. It looks really cool and the build I'm currently working on would benefit from this! Thankfully I got this job, so hopefully I'll have enough to buy it when it comes out!!! I might as well start saving now tbh.
I'm really into just building things, so the fact that I can make businesses into homes is so cool!!! I would love to make a cute little coffee shop with the owners apartment above it, or even a couple of apartment rooms above the coffee shop! I also am curious about doing like an outdoor market and seeing if there's an attribute for just random ppl selling their wares, and you can make the one time fee be for their "table" like irl. I think that would be so fun to see! I feel like there's so many possibilities with this pack and we don't even know about how it works with your other packs as well!! Ah I'm so excited it's gonna be so fun!!!
I think this weeks goals are to:
- work on the homepage of this website
- go to the gym at least twice this week (or do a home workout)
- maybe visit my parents to get my laptop set up (tbd since I keep forgetting to ask when payday is)
So we'll see how that goes! I think I stop training on wednesday so I may or may not be more exhausted since I might just have a little bit of stress trying to remember all the opening and closing steps, they're pretty easy but I just put a lot of pressure on myself OTL