Welcome to my little corner of the internet. Here you'll find my interests, my secrets, and just about evertying that encapsulates who I am.
~Come have a look~
- Fixed bugs in main journal page
- Revamped home page
- Added guestbook
Planned updates
- My favorites
- Mini essays on fashion
- Things that inspire me
- Pictures
- Art
- Maybe some music?
- Shop things
- Craft timeline
- Shrines
- Link masterlist
I think that's all the ideas I can think of for now. I plan to have this site be a place where I just throw my brain at it and see what sticks. It will probably be all over the place, but that's what's going on 24/7 for me! I'm excited to see it in a physical form! Check in whenever to see what I've added to this space. <3